differencial abundance with ANCOM

I used this command and i don't know what is the wrong ?
qiime taxa collapse --i-table subject-table.qza --i-taxonomy taxonomy.qza --p-level 7 --o-collapsed-table subject-table-l7.qza
qiime composition ancom --i-table comp-subject-table.qza --m-metadata-file metadata.tsv --m-metadata-column subject --o-visualization ancom-subject.qzv

Hi @hasnaa,
the same issue was described here:Problem with taxa-collapse: Please provide a DataFrame with a string-based Index

I suspect something wrong is happening in your case as well, and you end up with empty tables. Could you visualise the ‘subject-table.qza’ to check if there are any data in it?
Hope it helps

ohhhhh, what is the command can i use it to visualize this file

you can use ‘qiime feature-table summarise’ as described here: Problem with taxa-collapse: Please provide a DataFrame with a string-based Index

To see the content of your feature table before an dafter the filtering

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