methods for processeng fungal ITS2 DATA IN QIIME 2

i want to trimm its2 data for merging the reads, temporally clusters the reads using itsexpress. And I tried using these command below, but I failed. the error outout is "'itsxpress' has no action 'trim-pair-output-unmerged--i-per-sample-sequences'."

qiime2-2020.6) afriana@alfriana-hp-laptop-14-cm0xxx:~/Documents/alfri$ ls manifest.txt mapping.txt sample1_h1.fq.gz sample1_h2.fq.gz sample2_h1.fq.gz sample2_h2.fq.gz sequences.qza sequences.qzv (qiime2-2020.6) afriana@alfriana-hp-laptop-14-cm0xxx:~/Documents/alfri$ cd sequences.qza bash: cd: sequences.qza: Not a directory (qiime2-2020.6) afriana@alfriana-hp-laptop-14-cm0xxx:~/Documents/alfri$ pwd /home/afriana/Documents/alfri (qiime2-2020.6) afriana@alfriana-hp-laptop-14-cm0xxx:~/Documents/alfri$ qiime itsxpress trim-pair-output-unmerged\ > --i-per-sample-sequences sequences.qza \ > --p-region ITS2 \ > --p-taxa F \ > --o-trimmed trimmed.qza Error: QIIME 2 plugin 'itsxpress' has no action 'trim-pair-output-unmerged--i-per-sample-sequences'. (qiime2-2020.6) afriana@alfriana-hp-laptop-14-cm0xxx:~/Documents/alfri$

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