are there some plans to update Silva138 database for Qiime?
are there some plans to update Silva138 database for Qiime?
Hello Damian,
Sounds like @SoilRotifer is going to try to import this new database!
Not sure if there is an official thread for this new database, yet!
Hi @colinbrislawn & @thedam,
I'm working on this, and tweaking some of the quality control steps I use to generate this reference set. I should have something to share on this around the New Year.
Thanks for working on it. Do you have news about the Silva138 for qiime2?
Hi @yannreynaud,
Sorry, I forgot to update ya'll in this thread. I made a new post here about a working version of SILVA 138:
Hi! Thanks for answering me and for giving this SILVA138 available for the qiime2 users! All the best
Thanks a lot! The files that you kindly upload are ready to use o we have to cluster it with vsearch?
Hi @Luz_Chacon_Jimenez, for classifying your sequences, it's best to make use of the files as they are, you can rebuild the classifiers yourself, or use the ones provided.
FYI, these are the NR99 clustered data from SILVA.
Hi there, I just wanted to refer the everyone over to the tutorial linked below. We hope the process of constructing your own reference sequence database (e.g. SILVA) is far less onerous.
-Best wishes!
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