tutorial for merging different sequencing data in qiime2

Hi everyone,

I have 4 years of sequencing data, 3 years are sequenced together (same seq batch), and one year sequenced separately. Is there a tutorial that walks through how to process and merge those sequencing data?

Thank you

Hi @saif_s ,

All you need to do, once you've processed the runs separately you can merge the feature-tables, sequence files, and taxonomy files using these commands:

You can read more about the various plugin commands here.


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Thank you Mike! Do you happen to have a tutorial on how to process them in qiime2? like what are the steps and commands that I can follow to process the data to get to the merging step?

Everything is available through the various tutorials:



I really appreciate all the help you provided Mike! Thank you so much.

One more specific reference to add to @SoilRotifer's list: this tutorial specifically shows what this workflow might look like. A new version of it will be available with the new version of the QIIME 2 amplicon distribution documentation, coming with the 2025.4 release.

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