I wonder to know the formulas of qiime2 inherent alpha- and beta- diversity parameters, why the website https://data.qiime2.org/a_diversity_metrics can not entry at any time, and it shows http://scikit-bio.org is not safe?
For the SciKit Bio website, it looks like the SSL pinning conflicts with the new domain name:
Old: http://scikit-bio.org/
New: https://scikit.bio/
Or it's been hacked!
(I don't think it's been hacked)
Try this URL on the new site:
For the Qiime2 devs, here is the broken link:
This page:
Redirects to this page:
Which uses the old domain name
Looks like we have some URLs to update! It's ripgrep
Thank you! This website: Community Diversity (skbio.diversity) — scikit-bio 0.6.2 documentation can enter and useful.