If you intend to run the RESCRIPt plugin via your QIIME 2 environment, you need to follow the instructions outlined under Option 2. Assuming you've already installed QIIME 2 as per these instructions.
For example you'd run the following to install RESCRIPt into an existing QIIME 2 environment. Preferably, into a recent version of :qiime2: :
but it ended up with a very long list of dependency problems. Longer than the history in my terminal, so I didn't catch all of it.
If you have any more suggestions, please feel free to leave them here.
I just tried this myself and it seems to work fine on my end.
If the above does not work for you, you can install the shotgun distribution, which already has RESCRIPt installed, and simply switch to that environment and run RESCRIPt from there. Then switch back to the amplicon distribution to carry out the rest of your work.