Hi @mkweber, hopefully we can get this sorted out for you.
I just installed RESCRIPt into one of my older qiime2-2023.2
environments, and was able to run QIIME 2 and RESCRIPt successfully.
Some of the error outputs are a bit confusing as they reference qiime2-amplicon-2023.9
but your commands reference qiime2-2023.2
One thing I noticed in our README, is that we forgot to update the conda activate qiime2-2023.2
line. It should be conda activate qiime2-2023.5
for that specific example. That is, the "http ... tested" folder we point to, should match the version of QIIME 2 being used. So, your command should be:
conda activate qiime2-2023.2
conda create -y -n rescript
conda activate rescript
conda install \
-c conda-forge -c bioconda -c qiime2 -c https://packages.qiime2.org/qiime2/2023.2/tested/ -c defaults \
qiime2 q2cli q2templates q2-types q2-longitudinal q2-feature-classifier 'q2-types-genomics>2023.2' \
"pandas>=0.25.3" xmltodict ncbi-datasets-pylib
pip install git+https://github.com/bokulich-lab/RESCRIPt.git
If you are going to run the latest version of QIIME 2 (qiime2-amplicon-2023.9) you'll have to use the commands outlined here.
We'll get that README updated!
I just checked to see if these links under "hard mode" are still valid. It appears they are and I've been able download all of the files with wget
. Perhaps there is a connection or firewall issue? Others had connection issues to SILVA a few days ago, perhaps their servers were down when you attempted to access the files?