regression analysis on unifrac distances

I have a study design where i have applied regression models on the alpha diversity metrices. But when it comes to beta diversity, i am unable to get if there are any plugins or codes which work with the distance metrices. My study design includes 2*2 factorial design for treatment groups while randomization at pen level.
What do you guys suggest?

Hello Fatima,

I think qiime diversity beta-group-significance from this part of the Moving Pictures Tutorial could be a good fit. While it’s not exactly a regression, I think it would be a very good fit for a 2*2 study design.

Is one of these factors a gradient, like time or pH or temperature? There are some options for that too, but beta-group-significance is a great place to start.



Good morning Fatima,

You could also check out qiime diversity adonis from this brand new tutorial, which is probably a better fit for the 2-way design.

Adonis is a really good test as it let’s you compare which of the factors has a larger effect size on the beta diversity.
