Regarding online based SEPP phylogenetic tree construction

Hey guys, I have an huge dataset of around thousand files. It had been sequenced by Ion Torrent machine. Is there any SEPP phylogenetic tree construction based on online…? I cannot use Qiita cause it had been sequenced in Ion Torrent…Hope to hear from you guys soon…!

I’m not quite sure I understand your question @Sreevatshan. Are you asking for a way to run QIIME 2 online without having to install it? Or is this just a general question that isn’t about using SEPP in QIIME 2?

Hey @andrewsanchez I had ran SEPP in qiime2 and it got exited with error code 137 which is due to RAM shortage. Is there any way around to construct the SEPP phylogenetic tree on online based server with or without QIIME2?