Hi everyone,
I am trying to train classifier with ref sequence file and taxonomy file but the command ending with the message 'killed'.
qiime tools import
--type FeatureData[Sequence]
--input-path ref_seq.fa
--output-path ref_seq.qza
qiime tools import
--type FeatureData[Taxonomy]
--input-path ref_tax.txt
--output-path ref_tax.qza
--input-format HeaderlessTSVTaxonomyFormat
(qiime2-metagenome-2024.5) student@AMR-DELL:~$ qiime feature-classifier fit-classifier-naive-bayes
--i-reference-reads ref_seq.qza
--i-reference-taxonomy ref_tax.qza
--o-classifier classifier.qza
I tried different chunk-size still get the same error. I have memory availabe is 13 Gb.
Thank you
Hello Anita,
Welcome to the forums! :qiime2:
This skl training step takes a lot of memory!
When I run fit-classifier-naive-bayes
I need at least 50 GB.
Do you have a computer with more RAM or an institutional HPC resource?
Hi @colinbrislawn ,
Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, I don't have any of them now.
Are there any alternatives?
What amplicon region did you sequence?
(16S V4, 18S, ITS, etc.)
Some databases for these regions are listed here: Data resources — QIIME 2 2024.5.0 documentation
If you want to use the skl classifier, we have some ready to use pre-trained classifiers here:
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I did shotgun metagenomic sequencing and I need to train a classifier with the latest MiDAS database.
Thank you for telling me more!
In case you have not found it already, take a look at our untargeted metagenomics tutorial:
My guess is that building this database will happen outside of Qiime2. Then you can import it:
Hello all,
With the release of Qiime2-shotgun and shotgun metagenomics tutorial . I'm just giving a quick writeup/tutorial on how to import precompiled kraken2 and bracken databases .
The first step is to download the appropriate database. My metagenomes are from environmental biofilms and have representatives from across the tree of life, however (and I have tried!) the full nucleotide database was too large for my computer. For this tutorial I'll use the 'PlusPFP with DB capped at 16 GB' Datab…
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August 2, 2024, 8:40pm
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