qiime2 feature-classifier fit-classifier-naive-bayes KILLED

Hi everyone!
I´m trying to train a naive bayes calssifier based on UNITE V9. I previously made SILVA 138 classifier and i didn´t have issues, but when i tried with UNITE, the process is killed.
(I´m following this tutorial: How to train a UNITE classifier using RESCRIPt )
Does anyone have experienced somewhat similar?
This is what i got:

The machine features are:

Hello again Kevin,

Training the Unite database takes >32 GB of RAM, so I'm not supprised that the job was killed/canceled/stopped.

Because I know this step can't run on most people's computers, I build and release pretrained classfiers for the Unite database. You can also train your own, of course, but it's worth trying one of mine as a starting point:

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