Hello. I am a complete beginner who has just started analyzing the stool microbiome.
Due to poor quality in the reverse sequence, I created a feature table using only the forward sequence, but I noticed a repetitive odd sequence like "TTTTT...".
Did you perform any QC steps before dada2? Do you know the details of the library prep of these sequences? Can you post the interactive quality plot from the demux visualizer?
Is this 16S data, if so which region? Could you attach the demux.qzv, rep-seqs-dada2.qza and table-dada2.qza files if you feel comfortable doing so? By the way, a separate quality score filtering step is not usually recommended before using dada2.
My guess would be that something went wrong during library preparation. Many of the sequences with the repetitive T subsequence are still primarily 16S according to blast, possibly indicating that the subsequence got ligated somehow during library prep. There are other sequences that are completely erroneous such as e768bf26ed64ea9eb0f8b5bfeb635de5 and e6db6cbc2e34fe7e75470a1faab99922.
At this point it's probably a question of how much faith you have in the results overall and whether you want to salvage what you can.
Out of curiosity do you know which Illumina model these were sequenced on? Also, could you attach the demux.qzv for the reverse sequences if possible?