More sequences were provided than barcodes

Hi All,

I am looking for some insightful answers to solve this problem:

Plugin error from demux:
More sequences were provided than barcodes.

If someone can help me, I appreciate it.


Hello and welcome to :qiime2:!

From the available information I cannot really understand what is happening, you need to look at your data. There are 2 possibilities:

  1. There are more sequences than barcodes in your data, it's easy to check with the notebook.
  2. The import was incorrect - check if your sequencing data is of the correct type and was imported correctly.


In this case, it's the opposite. It declares that there are more sequences than barcodes. My metadata file with the barcode contains 67 samples. So, for me, it sounds like I can't retrieve the sequences from my original file using a shorter number of barcodes (e.i : I have 100 barcoded samples and I only want to demultiplex 40 of them).
Could I explain you well?

Sorry, I corrected the post before, it was a typo.

For QIIME2 to properly import the data number of barcodes should be equal to the number of sequences.


Hi @crusher083 ,
So it means that, in my sequence file, I can not have sequences barcoded with barcodes not present in my metadata?


Yes, that is correct. You may filter them out beforehand.


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