Hi there,
I would like to make an insect (arthropod) classifier for my project. I would like to know how to download files from NCBI (since it is huge) or other databases. Or link to the tutorial would be helpful.
Thank you
Hi there,
I would like to make an insect (arthropod) classifier for my project. I would like to know how to download files from NCBI (since it is huge) or other databases. Or link to the tutorial would be helpful.
Thank you
Hi @amm59063,
What marker gene are you using? COI? If so, you can check out these CO1 data resources.
If you search the forum, you'll find several threads related to the generation of custom classifiers.
Lastly, keep an out for updates to our recently announced external plugin: RESCRIPt. We hope to add more support for acquiring, formatting, and curating, reference sequence-taxonomy databases.
-Best wishes!
Hi SoilRotifier
Thank you for your reply. Yeah I'm using COI marker. I checked the COI data Resources . But that is for RDP Classifier right? Can I use those files to train a custom classifier on Qiime2?
Hi @amm59063,
You should be able to download the reference files and construct a QIIME 2 classifier. However, it looks like there would have to be some formatting / preprocessing of the FASTA file (everything you need is there) to bring it over into QIIME 2. Perhaps someone else on the forum has already done this?
You may also try contacting @devonorourke, and check out his tidybug project.