Hello, I have been running into many errors with importing paired-end de-multiplexed fastq.gz files as .qza artifacts.
My files are multiple forward and reverse sequences, all in one directory called demultiplexed_read/.
For example: demultiplex_reads/F9B4_6-TCCGTTCG-CATTAAGG-R1.fastq.gz
The issue is I do NOT have a metadata file, nor barcode information.
If you dont have a metadata file, you can make it, its quite easy and the tutorials have an example, you can use that file and modify it to your needs.
if you dont have barcodes, try the Manifest Import metod its super easy.
So I did actually manage to import my daya, I was missing a manifest file, so I made a tab-delimited manifest file and successfully outputted to paired-end-demux.qza.
I am now trying to conduct dada2 using this script:
No reads passed the filter. trunc_len_f (244) or trunc_len_r (200) may be individually longer than read lengths, or trunc_len_f + trunc_len_r may be shorter than the length of the amplicon + 12 nucleotides (the length of the overlap). Alternatively, other arguments (such as max_ee or trunc_q) may be preventing reads from passing the filter.
Debug info has been saved to /home/nsaeedch/FinalProject/DemultiplexReads/qiime2-q2cli-err-8jk9i2tk.log