If I have a SILVA latest release (132?) or GG 13_8 taxonomy Ids how can I get the corresponding match to NCBI or IMG databases? I don’t want to rely only in the taxonomy per se.
I found a GG 13_5 file “gg_13_5_accessions.txt” (see below) with exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately not for the other two databases. Did I miss it? Is this accession files from 13_5 same for 13_8?
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks so much paper, it does illustrate several interesting points of using these different taxonomies however their analysis relies on mapping the taxa names so it seems that there is not an id mapping across them.
An alternative that comes to mind is to contact the authors if they share their named mapped results across taxonomies, that could be used as a mapping file from one taxonomy to another.
After further looking the authors do have a tool that could do the id mapping (via name mapping described on the paper) https://bitbucket.org/mokana/crossclassify/wiki/Home
While I still would like to have access to their curated database, this seems to answer my original question.