Can you let us know what issues / errors you are running into?
Often users have trouble getting :qiime2: (running within WSL) to find their own files that exist in a Windows path, which is not easily understood by WSL. I'd recommend reading through the following posts:
Hi @Audrey_Anne ,
I think you are trying to use Windows command prompt syntax in your Ubuntu LTS.
That is, this:
should be:
One trick that you can use to share files between your Windows and Ubuntu LTS is to do the following:
In Ubuntu LTS terminal window type: explorer.exe . . This will open a Windows Explorer window with the path to your home directory within your Ubuntu LTS. See here .
Drag this path in the window to your Quick…
Hi @taf1g17 ,
This is very helpful thank you!
As I mentioned earlier is this thread, you can not use Windows-style file paths, but the file paths as WSL understands them. The best way to make sure you are using the correct Linux file paths is to cd into the folder where your sequence files are located, and type pwd. This will provide you with the absolute directory path. Do this within the WSL Terminal of course.
taf1g17$: cd share/seqs-to-import
taf1g17:~/share/seqs-to-import$ pwd
So when I see the C:\ as you have here:
That tells me that you are running through the Windows command prompt and not WSL (i.e. there should be a separate "app" icon for you to launch WSL. In my case I have an icon for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The thread I linked you above describes this (note the screen-shot of the icons). To clarify, on my Windows 10 setup:
my Windows 10 Command Prompt looks like:
my WSL prompt looks like:
(base) mike@BLUE:~$
That is, it appears that you ha…
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