Hello everyone,
I am using the qiime2 command "qiime diversity beta" recently, but I cannot find the formula of the Canberra-Adkins distance measurement, who can help me to find its original paper or the source which can be correctly and turely cited?
I just found some information about this method, as below:
(1) It has been used in the papaer"GREATER CHANGE IN FECAL METABOLOME ASSOCIATED WITH LOWER ABILITY TO MAINTAIN WAKEFULNESS DURING SLEEP RESTRICTION AND CIRCADIAN MISALIGNMENT", and I've found it on the website "Web of Science", but I cant get the corresponding address, and I just know it is a conference paper.
(2) I also found this paper's abstract on the journal website "https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/42/Supplement_1/A83/5450831?searchresult=1", and the screenshot of the title page as following:
Thank you for your reply!