I am a new user and trying to follow the tutorial to do some useful analysis. I followed the moving picture tutorial and generated a newick tree file. When I tried the visualization of this tree, everything was shown hence it was impossible to read.
I searched online and found these links; filter_otus_from_otu_table.py and Filtering Taxa from OTU-Table. It seems like that it is possible to filter the OTU based on the observation and get a smaller file with way less OTUs. But those scripts seemed to be for QIIME instead of QIIME 2. I am wondering if I can do the same thing with QIIME 2. Or if I am totally on the wrong track, please let me know as well!
Hi, Colin, thank you so much for your input! I checked these docs out. Really helpful!
If I choose to remove the samples of a total abundance less than 10, I did:
qiime feature-table filter-features
--i-table table.qza
--p-min-frequency 10
--o-filtered-table feature-frequency-filtered-table.qza
Then I got a new feature table after this.
I am wondering if there is a way to get the corresponding sequences (a new rep-seqs.qza file) of this new feature table to make the unrooted and rooted tree.
Yep! Check out feature-table filter-seqs! In particular, you can provide a feature table as input, and it will filter the sequences down to just those features present in the feature table. Hope that helps! :qiime2:
I feel like I am actually close to what I want! So right now, I need to figure out the label part.
I also tried to export the biom file from the filtered table.qza. However, the exported file is not readable. I am not sure where to find the label. Does it have something to do with the taxonomy file or anything missing here?
Exactly - I suspect when you say "label", are you referring to some kind of taxonomy assignment label? You will need to perform some form of feature classification (check out the Moving Pictures tutorial for one example). One you have taxonomy assignments, you can follow this guide for viewing on iTOL!