Feature-Classifier and training/percent alignment

Plugin error from vsearch:

Argument to parameter 'sequences' is not a subtype of SampleData[JoinedSequencesWithQuality] | SampleData[SequencesWithQuality] | SampleData[Sequences].

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-o3wen8o6.log

Thanks, do you know why I'm getting this error after trying to run this code off of a DADA2 run?

qiime vsearch dereplicate-sequences
--i-sequences ~/QIIME2_4_DADA2/180209_MSQ72/rep-seqs.qza
--o-dereplicated-table ~/QIIME2_4_DADA2/180209_MSQ72/dereplicated-table-MSQ72.qza
--o-dereplicated-sequences ~/QIIME2_4_DADA2/180209_MSQ72/dereplicated-sequences-MSQ72.qza

Wouldn't the DADA2 output fit SampleData[JoinedSequencesWithQuality]?

sorry — don’t use dereplicate-sequences because the dada2 output is already dereplicated. Just skip straight to cluster-features-closed-reference.

I have edited my prior answer about to reflect this in case others are following the advice in this thread…

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Thanks, I figured there was something that was whooshing over my head. Thanks again. Ben


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