I've been trying to perform Silva-based taxonomy classification using V1-V2 16S rRNA sequencing data. I am using a Naive Bayes classifier trained on Silva 138 99% OTUs full-length sequences available on the QIIME2 official document (Data resources — QIIME 2 2022.8.3 documentation).
I am currently using Qiime2-2022.8 (installed via conda) on Ubuntu through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Please refer to the operating environment below.
OS: Windows10
Memory: 64GB
Storage: 1.5TB left
I got an error message "No space left on device" when I tried to run the classifier, even though I used ASVs created from just 5 samples.
Although your hard drive has plenty of space, it might not be the case that the partitions allotted to wsl have enough. Can you also run echo $TMPDIR; echo $TMP; echo $TEMP and post the output here?
Thank you for your reply.
I ran echo $TMPDIR; echo $TMP; echo $TEMP in the WSL terminal, but there was no output.
After running echo /temp, I got "/tmp".
Thank you for your response.
I expanded Ubuntu's virtual hard disk (VSD) size following the provided guide.
Below is the updated information on the virtual hard disk size for Ubuntu.
Virtual size: 1123 GB
Physical size: 48 GB
Unfortunately, I could not run the classifier as I received the same error as before: "[Errno 28] No space left on the device."
Now, I'm considering installing an HDD in the PC to expand its storage space.
Please let me know the amount of storage space required to run the classifier on 300 samples.
I've been trying to use the classifier below.
Classifier: Naive Bayes classifier trained on Silva 138 99% OTUs full-length sequences (Data resources — QIIME 2 2022.8.3 documentation)
It seems unlikely that with over a terabyte of available storage you would run of space classifying 5 samples. Can you share a screen shot of where it shows that you expanded the VHD to 1123 GB?
It's impossible to give an estimate of the disk space required for 300 samples because it will depend on many things.
You could also consider reaching out on a windows subsystem for linux help forum to make sure that you've configured the disk space correctly.
Interesting, I'm not sure what's happening to be honest. Because this is a WSL configuration issue and not a qiime2 one, I think you'll be better served on a help forum dedicated to WSL.