Hello everyone,
This is pretty weird. I have been running Qiime pipeline and everything is running as expected until the last step of getting bar plots with the taxonomy.
I did core matrix phylogenetics using the following command -
But my taxa_bar_plots.qzv does not show any bar plots just a empty plot. I tried to save that files .CSV format through Qiime View server but it gave empty CSV file. The bar plot qzv file is not empty though. The size of this file is >9mb
Sounds like a hardware issue. Sounds like your barplot is not rendering, quite possibly because it is too large to display on whatever system or browser you are using. See here:
Try a different browser, a different machine, so somehow collapsing your data to reduce sample counts before viewing.
Hi @amoltej,
I have taken a look — this is not a hardware issue but rather the barplot is empty because the visualization has no data. This would suggest that, e.g., all features or samples were filtered out of your table.
The provenance does not really reflect the workflow you described above. It looks like you imported a file called "metadata.tsv" as a TaxonomyTSV format file and used that to filter features from the table... it is possible that you filtered out all features, resulting in an empty table. Is "metadata.tsv" a list of feature IDs? Do those feature IDs actually match features in your rarefied table?
In any case, I recommend using qiime feature-table summarize to examine the feature table you use as input to confirm that the table is not empty. If it is not empty, please share the QZV here so that we can examine.
Just one table (that has been through a few steps to get to where it is). The step @Nicholas_Bokulich pointed out is highlighted here (see the details on the right side):
Also, I just noticed another thing in this provenance graph - @amoltej, you appear to be using the rarefied feature table for the barplots. Once you sort out the issue of filtering, you should not use the rarefied table, but rather the unrarefied one --- no point in throwing away perfectly good data for a plot like this!