Hey there @Kara!
I would skip step B if you are planning on using DADA2. More on that shortly...
That is exactly the case - DADA2 works best with unprocessed data - part of the processing in DADA2 will join the reads for you. In some cases where overlap is insufficient or reverse reads are poor quality, it can be advantageous to run DADA2 on just the forward reads, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
For now, I would recommend proceeding with A, C, E (btw, where did D go??), with one caveat. Adata-integrity bug was just identified this week with q2-cutadapt's trim-paired method. I would recommend waiting until the 2018.6 release comes out before proceeding (we are on track for releasing later today ).
Keep us posted! :qiime2: