Hi friends,
Thanks for your support in advance, I have 18S amplicon paired end data as forward and reverse reads in fastq.gz format. I am trying to trim the primers/overhang regions using cutadapt but always getting an error that no such file or directory found.
My commands are following:
nohup cat ngs18s/libnames.txt | while read line; do cutadapt -g GTGACCTATGAACTCAGGAGTCGAGGTAGTGACAAGAAATAACAATA -G CTGAGACTTGCACATCGCAGCTCTTCGATCCCCTAACTTTC -o Trim-test2/$line"_R1_trim.fastq.gz" -p Trim-test2/$line"_R2_trim.fastq.gz" ngs18s/$line"_R1.fastq.gz" ngs18s/$line"_R2.fastq.gz"; done > out-v2.txt 2>out-v2.err &
And error file has long list of this error:
Processing paired-end reads on 1 core ...
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ngs18s/Fwd_01-Rev_04_R2\r_R1.fastq.gz'
This is cutadapt 4.6 with Python 3.8.15
All files are in the folder ngs18s and libnames.txt file is also in the same folder.
Please advise about the issue. Thanks