I have a quick question, or more like a confirmation of my analysis. I had previously followed a tutorial on how to create and export an ASV table and I feel like I did it correctly, however, after a request from my PI, she mentioned that what I had provided was not an ASV table. Hence, I would like to know if I in fact did this wrong. If you could please let me know if I followed the correct steps to create an ASV table, I would really appreciate it. I have also provided a few rows and columns from the ASV file I have created for verification (in case this makes it easier to see).
Below is the code I ran to create the ASV table using the dada2 feature table and the taxonomy.qza files.
#Raw Table----------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir DADA2/Clean/FilteredTable/ExportRaw
qiime tools export --input-path Bacteria-Table-Merged-Filtered-1-4E-MJ-NS.qza --output-path DADA2/Clean/FilteredTable/ExportRaw
cd DADA2/Clean/FilteredTable/ExportRaw
mv feature-table.biom Bacteria-Table-MergedFiltered-Clean-NS.biom
biom convert -i Bacteria-Table-MergedFiltered-Clean-NS.biom -o Bacteria-Table-MergedFiltered-Clean-NS.tsv --to-tsv
biom head -i Bacteria-Table-MergedFiltered-Clean-NS.tsv
#Create a taxonomy biom file----------------------------------------------
qiime tools export --input-path Bacteria-taxonomy-paired-Clean-2020-132.qza --output-path ./
cp taxonomy.tsv biom-taxonomy.tsv
#Add metadata to taxonomy and biom feature table ----------------
mkdir ASVtables
biom add-metadata -i DADA2/Clean/FilteredTable/ExportRaw/Bacteria-Table-MergedFiltered-Clean-NS.biom -o ASVtables/Bacteria-FilteredTable-with-taxonomy.biom --observation-metadata-fp Taxonomy/biom-taxonomy.tsv --sc-separated taxonomy --observation-header OTUID,taxonomy,confidence
biom convert -i ASVtables/Bacteria-FilteredTable-with-taxonomy.biom -o ASVtables/Bacteria-FilteredTable-with-taxonomy.tsv -m Bacteria-Metadata-Lib1-4E-MJ-Clean.tsv --to-tsv --header-key taxonomy
This in turn is the file that I am using as the ASV table and which I was using in R to run statistic analysis.
Fungal-ASV-table.csv (1.5 KB)