classifying sequences-

I have run this command and it has the path for my databas
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \

--i-classifier /home/amnah/phd/2022.10.backbone.full-length.nb.sklearn-1.4.2.qza
--i-reads rep_seqs.qza
--o-classification taxonomy.qza

I got killed, what does that mean and how to solve?

In this context 'killed' means that the program was 'canceled' or 'stopped' by your system. It does not tell you the reason, but it's often because it used too much memory/RAM on your system or the system was being modified or restarted.

Try running this script again and report back!

Hello@ colinbrislawn,
Thank you for your reply
It gives the same

(qiime2-amplicon-2024.10) amnah@LAPTOP-S4MGA9IA:~/phd/bc_second$ qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \

--i-classifier /home/amnah/phd/2022.10.backbone.full-length.nb.sklearn-1.4.2.qza
--i-reads rep_seqs.qza
--o-classification taxonomy.qza

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Hi @Amnah,

This is not an uncommon issue, and most likely indicates (as @colinbrislawn mentioned above) that you've run out of space on your machine while this command was being executed.

Here's a related thread where @cherman2 provides some helpful suggestions for dealing with this (depending on if you have access to a more powerful machine, etc). You can also do a forum search for 'classify-sklearn killed' and you'll see a lot of similar threads regarding this same issue - take a look, and let us know if you're still unsure of how to proceed.

Cheers :lizard:

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Thank you so much Lizgehret.

Will do and let you know

I have tried to make a space and restart but still Killed appearing.

Any recommendation please

It's not a disk space issue, it's probably a memory/ RAM issue.

How much RAM does this computer have?