can we convert paired-end-demux.qza to fastq files

Hello Colleagues
I made paired-end-demux.qza using a manifest file and paired-end reads. I lost or deleted fastq files. Now I need them for some good reason. Is it possible to convert paired-end-demux.qza to fastq files.

Hi @drmusk,

You can get them back by exporting the artifact to a folder. See the export tutorial. I've done it a few times before, and it works out okay? The one difference is that your file names may have changed; I think importing thee data with a manifest renames the files to follow the casava conventions.


Hello @jwdebelius
This produces only .biom file. I desire to get back FASTQ files. As I used 55 paired samples to make a paired-end-demux.qza
I wish to convert it back to get my FASTQ files.

Hi @drmusk,

As explained by the tutorial,

The following sections provide examples of exporting data from QIIME 2 artifacts. It is possible to export data from any QIIME 2 artifact or visualization; the process is the same as what is described below.

So, this is the same process to get the fastq files.


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