Weird letters and numbers after taxa ID - f__Bacillaceae_H_294103

Hi there,

Without entering in the biological part of your issue (because I don't know whether those two Bacillaceae are the same, and also I'm not familiar with Greengenes), if you think that those should be annotated as the same taxa you can always use the QIIME2 plugin RESCRIPt to relabel them as in this section of the RESCRIPt tutorial.

I haven't tried it, but your command should look something like:

qiime rescript edit-taxonomy \
    --i-taxonomy my-taxonomy.qza \
    --p-search-strings f__Bacillaceae_H_294103;  f__Bacillaceae_G_310392; \
    --p-replacement-strings f__Bacillaceae; f__Bacillaceae; \
    --o-edited-taxonomy my-taxonomy-fixed.qza

If you have a lot of IDs to change you can also follow tutorial instructions to create a replacements metadata file and feed the command with it.

Best wishes :dolphin:


Disclaimer: I'm just another user, just like you. Please don't take my answer as a ground truth. A Forum Moderator would probably provide you with a more accurate answer.