Volatility Control Chart Spaghetti lines

I use qiime2-amplicon-2023.9.
I performed longitudinal volatility analysis and obtained these charts:
when I want to visualize all samples without collapsing:

after collapsing:

Why there are no lines here in both charts?
and after further collapsing:
and why there are no Spaghetti lines here? Only mean line.

The same kind of analysis on this data I performed last year but probably with qiime2-2022.8 and slightly different rarefying. Here are the charts
without collapsing:

and after collapsing:

What is the reason for no spagetti lines in the recent analysis? Could it be connected with this issue Volatility Control Chart visualizing issue

Hi @elina2410 ,
Could you please upload the QZV and share the command that you used to create this QZV?

I do not think so — that issue is specifically caused by really long feature names causing the plot to rescale. So I do not see any connection here, since your feature IDs are not long.

Hi @Nicholas_Bokulich
Here are the command I used and the qzv file obtained:

qiime longitudinal volatility --m-metadata-file metadane.txt core-metrics-results/shannon.qza --p-default-metric shannon_entropy --p-default-group-column antibiotic --p-state-column week --p-individual-id-column new_id --o-visualization core-metrics-results/volatility.qzv

volatility.qzv (509.7 KB)


Hi @elina2410 ,
Thank you for sharing these. It looks like the issue is that new_id consists entirely of unique values. So none of these are repeated, and hence no spaghetti lines can be drawn. The individual-id-column should indicate the IDs of subjects that were sampled repeatedly (or if not unique subjects, then some ID that links the samples that you want to connect).

I hope that helps!

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Thank you @Nicholas_Bokulich, I thought that each spaghetti line visualizes single sample... I should check tutorial again, since I performed this analysyis long time ago (and it worked then, but probably I used antibiotic column instead of new_id )
Thank you again!