Understanding the meaning of beta diversity in shotgun data

I performed beta diversity significance with my shotgun data using QIIME2-shotgun distribution.
However, I'm not sure how to understand this result.
The picture below shows the qzv file of beta diversity significance I performed through QIIME2 viewer.

My shotgun data consists of three experimental and control groups. I don't know why there is n=9 in each boxplot in beta diversity using my shotgun data.
I need help understanding n=9.

Thank you for your help!

Hi @sooni ,

Interpretation of beta diversity/group significance plots is the same as for beta diversity of any other data type. This is a common question, so much so that it is in our FAQs (which you should check if you have not seen them already):

This topic is listed in the FAQs, giving an explanation of how to interpret the sample sizes:

I hope that clarifies. Good luck!


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