Hi, i am quite new for this analysis.
I am running analysis of microbiota for gastric biopsy samples of 250 patients.
I already tried to use the workflow suggested in the Moving Picture tutorial (dada2, denoise etc) using a small trial dataset (8 samples). However, the barplot of taxonomy showed 80% are unnasigned.
So i tried to use the closed reference by vsearch, and I could have less "unassigned" in the taxonomy barplot.
I was performing these 7 steps on the small trial dataset and succeed to get taxonomy barplot analysis. However, i got troubles when i run the dataset contains 250 samples.
import biom table into the featuretable.qza for qiime2 and the seq_mapping_silva.fasta as sequence.qza
Create phylogenetic tree
when i run this , i get error because my sequence is more than 1 million
so i cannot continue analyzing core matrics alpha beta diversity .
Then i tried to assign taxonomy by running
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn --i-classifier ./database/silva-138-99-nb-classifier.qza --i-reads seq_mapping_silva_TRIAL.qza --o-classification
It took me several days to assign taxonomy.
The nice thing about closed reference clustering is that you just inherit your tree and taxonomy from the database. You don't need do a new taxonomic classification or build a tree. Just import the one that already exists and continue with your analysis.
When you downloaded the greengenes database you used, there should be an accompanying taxonomy and tree file. It looks like you may have modified the database so you may need to track down the modifications.
Once you locate your taxonomy and tree files, taxonomy is (probably) imported as headerless taxonomy: