Training a new UNITE fungal classifier

Hi @Sydney_Morgan, thanks for sharing your own classifier!
But I met several problems when using this classifier.

My command:
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn
–i-classifier unite-ver8-99-classifier.qza
–i-reads rep_seqs.qza
–o-classification taxonomy_fungi_unite.qza

Plugin error from feature-classifier:
The scikit-learn version (0.20.2) used to generate this artifact does not match the current version of scikit-learn installed (0.21.2). Please retrain your classifier for your current deployment to prevent data-corruption errors.

The QIIME2 version I used is 2019.7. So I guess this classifier is no longer compatible with the newest version of QIIME2 2019.7. Would you mind updating it or sharing the way to creat UNITE fungal classifiers?


Hi @hesongbing,

Welcome to the :qiime2: forum!

Have you looked at the tutorial on training feature classifiers?



Thanks for your reply!

I have read the tutorial and tried to train UNITE fungal classifiers by myself. But I failed to download the data needed at

Hmmm… I was able to get the current version by going to the website you linked, clicking a DOI, and then going to “media”. Maybe there’s a connection issue? Im not sure.


Maybe you are right.
Would you mind downloading the data and sending it to me?

Hi @hesongbing,

Sorry, that’s not possible on this forum.
You may need to discuss with your network administrator, since its likely the issue is on your end and not the UNITE database.


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