Taxa barplot (Plugin error; sample IDs missing)


The command I ran was:
qiime taxa barplot --i-table ARTIFACT-table.qza --i-taxonomy taxonomic-classification-ARTIFACT.qza --m-metadata-file ./META.tsv --o-visualization ARTIFACT-taxa-viz.qzv --verbose

And the error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/keishamercy/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2022.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/q2cli/", line 339, in call
results = action(**arguments)
File "", line 2, in barplot
File "/home/keishamercy/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2022.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qiime2/sdk/", line 245, in bound_callable
outputs = self.callable_executor(scope, callable_args,
File "/home/keishamercy/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2022.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qiime2/sdk/", line 453, in callable_executor
ret_val = self._callable(output_dir=temp_dir, **view_args)
File "/home/keishamercy/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2022.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/q2_taxa/", line 35, in barplot
raise ValueError('Sample IDs found in the table are missing in the '
ValueError: Sample IDs found in the table are missing in the metadata: {'trorod23-5-1', 'trorod26-5-2', 'trorod1-6', 'trorod26-5-1', 'trorod31-5', 'trorod6-6-2', 'trorod21-5', 'trorod8-6', 'trorod24-5', 'trorod25-5', 'trorod29-5-2', 'trorod22-5-2', 'trorod29-5-1', 'trorod22-5-1', 'trorod7-6', 'trorod23-5-2', 'trorod6-6-1', 'trorod22-5-3', 'trorod27-5'}.

Plugin error from taxa:

Sample IDs found in the table are missing in the metadata: {'trorod23-5-1', 'trorod26-5-2', 'trorod1-6', 'trorod26-5-1', 'trorod31-5', 'trorod6-6-2', 'trorod21-5', 'trorod8-6', 'trorod24-5', 'trorod25-5', 'trorod29-5-2', 'trorod22-5-2', 'trorod29-5-1', 'trorod22-5-1', 'trorod7-6', 'trorod23-5-2', 'trorod6-6-1', 'trorod22-5-3', 'trorod27-5'}.

See above for debug info.

But when looking in the metadata file (which I created using Keemei), those samples are present.

So I'm not sure why I keep getting this error message, and what can be done?

BR, Anna.

In your feature table, samples are named: 'trorod23-5-1', 'trorod26-5-2'... In metadata: 'trorod-23-5-1', 'trorod-26-5-2'... Could you try to delete one extra "-" in sample IDs in metadata and try again?


Thank you so much! Lol, I've been starring at the file for so long, my eyes didn't even see that extra dash. Oh, what a mistake :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I tried it out, and it works. Thanks!

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I think we all here were sitting in front of the screen facing the same error and hypnotising our metadata file at least once :slight_smile:


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