Some issue about itsxpress2 plugin in QIIME2-202309


When I updated the ITSxpress within QIIME2-202309 following the updated tutorial here, there were some confusions.

I updated the itsxpress by conda install -c bioconda itsxpress and then qiime dev refresh-cache under the QIIME2 environment

I failed to call itsxpress by qiime itsxpress as the tutorial. However, I found there were 2 codes to call itsxpress:

  1. qiime q2-itsxpress
    This code calls the ITSxpress version 1.8.1, which is not my aim.

  2. itsxpress
    This code would call another ITSxpress. However, I'm not sure the version of this ITSxpress. I checked the help document of this itsxpress, and there was no such parameter. So I'm confused about the version.

I'm aiming to use ITSxpress 2.0.1 in QIIME2, and I'm not sure if there were some problems with my trial. By the way, does qiime itsxpress not work anymore? or just there were some issues with my trial?

Can anyone help me to check my trial? Thank you very much in advance!~~

Hi @ZhangSR,
I dont see anything glaring wrong with your steps.
I see that the tutorial is for qiime-2023.2, Could you try with a 2023.2 env and see if that solves?

I am also trying to recreate this issue and will update once my env solves!

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I am not able to get itsxpress to be visible as a plugin in qiime2-amplicon-2023.9. The env solves but its not in my list of plugins.

I would recommend trying with qiime2-2023.2

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okay~ Thanks! I'll also try the environment of qiime2-2023.2.

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