Hi @Uni,
Thank you for the kind words!
Fragment placement in Greengenes2 uses an improved algorithm called DEPP. For 2022.10 we placed ~20M V4 ASVs, which can be readily used. For non V4 data, we do not yet have a means to place fragments but we are working on getting the steps described in a tutorial. For these data, one viable path forward would be to use the non-v4-16s
action which performs closed reference recruitment to the backbone, and then to use the 2022.10.phylogeny.id.nwk.qza
phylogeny. Alternatively, it is likely possible to train a SEPP model from the backbone, but I haven't done that before and there may be increased unknown.
More information on how the files differ can be found in the Greengenes2 tutorial and in the README with the files.