Qiime2 unable to proceed with training the classifier

Hey everyone,

I trust this message meets you well. I am a new qiime2 user and saved my qiime2 via a virtual machine in window 10. I am trying to analyze my samples with greengenes database. When I train the classifier, my qiime2 stops, and I cannot proceed; even my laptop freeze at that point. I am using following command:

qiime feature-classifier 
fit-classifier-naive-bayes \
--i-reference-reads  gg_13_5.qza \
--i-reference-taxonomy gg_13_5_taxonomy.qza \
--o-classifier classifier.qza

I am using Lenovo ideapad3 core i5, with 8GB RAM. I have 31.2 gb free space in C drive, still I am unable to proceed with this command, I restarted my PC, un-installed and re-installed qiime2. please quide me with this. Thanks in anticipation of your prompt response.

Hi @Afrah - looks like you cross-posted this over at

and moderators have followed up with you there. Please do not post the same question multiple times, this creates a unnecessary work for the moderator volunteers on the forum. Thanks!