Qiime2 metagenome october 2024 update

Hello, i am a master student working with metagenomic and in during the summer i did some amplicon bioinformatic with Qiime2. I would like to continue with it in the futur but i am wondering if the publishable version of qiime2 metagenome would be release during this octobre update. I understand if this information is unavailable but i still felt like asking since i need to find a pipeline to analyse my data sooner then later.

Thanks in advance.

Hey @Garotare,

Thank you for your interest in using our metagenome distro! We are planning on releasing the beta version of that distribution at the point of 2024.10 QIIME 2 release later in October. That means, all the intended functionality is there but we may still tweak some things (e.g. action interfaces) before the final release.

Let me know in case you have any further questions!


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Thanks a lot for the answer, I am eager to try it!
