qiime cutadapt demux failed to exclude reads with fake barcodes in the middle

Below is my command.
qiime cutadapt demux-paired --i-seqs asap2_out/imported/fqMuBiPe-1.qza --m-forward-barcodes-file input//fqMuBiPe-1/metadata.tsv --m-forward-barcodes-column barcode-sequence --o-per-sample-sequences asap2_out/demultiplexed/fqMuBiPe-1-demux.qza --o-untrimmed-sequences asap2_out/demultiplexed/fqMuBiPe-1-untrimmed.qza

The output has many partial reads because there were reads (e.g. reverse complementary, or contaminants) with no barcode at the beginning, but with a fake barcode (randomly matched) in the middle, and qiime mistook it as a barcode and trimmed it and assign it to a sample.

I temporarily use the parameter --p-minimum-length 225 to compromise it, but a better way should be making qiime to limit the location of barcodes to the first n (e.g. 10) bases. Any ideas?

There's a lot of cutadapt settings, so there my be multiple ways to do this.

  --p-times INTEGER       Remove multiple occurrences of an adapter if it is
    Range(1, None)        repeated, up to `times` times.          [default: 1]

That's 1 by default, so I'm not sure why it would grab a second barcode...

Also consider --p-front-f using ^sequence

Sequence of an adapter ligated to the 5' end. The
adapter and any preceding bases are trimmed. Partial
matches at the 5' end are allowed. If a ^
character is prepended, the adapter is only found if
it is at the beginning of the read.
Search in
forward read. [optional]

This also caught my attention:

The output has many partial reads because there were reads (e.g. reverse complementary, or contaminants) with no barcode at the beginning

I've been given runs like that. :crying_cat_face: Any chance of reamplifying these samples?

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