We are proud to announce beta release of the q2-mOTUs plugin
mOTU is a tool for taxonomical profiling of metagenomic data extensively validated during CAMI Challenge.
Principal concept
mOTU is an attempt to build a taxonomy utilizing genomic information about organisms formalized with the help of differences in 40 universal gene markers (40 MGs) sequences. The basic unit of the taxonomy is an mOTU, and thus it is used in the output. Detailed description of the approach can be found in the paper.
The installation steps are described in our GitHub repo: GitHub - motu-tool/q2-mOTUs
There are two ways to use mOTU-tool
within QIIME 2
1. Direct profiling of metagenomic samples
qiime motus profile \
--i-samples artifacts/study-seqs.qza \
--p-threads 8 \
--o-table artifacts/motu-table.qza \
--o-taxonomy artifacts/motu-taxonomy.qza
2. Import of precomputed mOTUs
Attention: precomupted mOTU table should be generated from full taxonomy (-q
flag) and counts (-c
flag) profiles.
qiime motus import-table \
--i-motus-table $TMPDIR/merged.motus \
--o-table artifacts/motu-table.qza \
--o-taxonomy artifacts/motu-taxonomy.qza
Compatibility with other QIIME 2 tools
Core QIIME 2
We can make a summary of the FeatureTable[Frequency]
artifact motu-table.qza
qiime feature-table summarize \
--i-table artifacts/motu-table.qza \
--o-visualization visualizations/motu-table-summary.qzv
Other plugins
We can produce a beautiful Krona plot using q2-krona
qiime krona collapse-and-plot \
--i-table artifacts/motu-table-feces.qza \
--i-taxonomy artifacts/motu-taxonomy.qza \
--o-krona-plot visualizations/motu-krona-feces.qzv
Extended tutorial
Extended version of this tutorial can be found in GitHub repo: q2-mOTUs/tutorial at main ยท motu-tool/q2-mOTUs ยท GitHub
Issue reporting
We encourage users to report possible problems either through QIIME2 Forum or GitHub issue section. Me and @hjruscheweyh will provide the support.
If you use the tool, please cite:
Ruscheweyh, H.-J., Milanese, A., Paoli, L., Karcher, N., Clayssen, Q., Keller, M. I., โฆ Sunagawa, S. (2022). Cultivation-independent genomes greatly expand taxonomic-profiling capabilities of mOTUs across various environments. Microbiome, 10 (1). doi:10.1186/s40168-022-01410-z
Yours sincerely
Valentyn Bezshapkin
on behalf of Sunagawa Lab