q2-fragment insertion problems with Silva 128 taxonomy

I ran fragment insertion as seen in the tutorial. I used the Silva 128 provided tree and alignment. My insertion tree was created, and I filtered my feature table. However, once I get to the classify-otus-experimental step and use the Silva 128 consensus 7 level taxonomy, I get the following error:

Not all OTUs in the provided insertion tree have mappings in the provided reference taxonomy.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Welcome to the forum @Rkubinski!

Could you please provide the commands that you are running and the full error message (though that message seems clear enough, the full message may provide better context).

I should add a word of warning: that method is experimental and does not really perform particularly well for taxonomy classification, so I would really recommend using the methods in q2-feature-classifier instead.

Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for the reply! I have decided to move to the q2-feature-classifier method in the end.


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