Pull out subset of sequences data

Hi there. I wonder if I can pull out only some sequences from rep-seqs.qza?

I have samples from 8 sampling sites, and when I processed the sequences they all combined into 1 qza file (table.qza, rep-seqs.qza, taxonomy.qza). Say if I want to continue doing other steps, using only sequences from 4 selected sites. How can I do that? I tried looking in Filtering data page but none seemed to apply to my case.

Thank you.


Hi @Kitty,

I would try the qiime feature-table filter-seqs command and see if that solves your problems.

I will also say that both your phylogenetic tree and taxonomy can be a superset of your feature table (so, you can have more sequences in your taxonomy and tree that you’ve got represented there). So, even if I know I’ll filter my data at the end, I try to do all the work ahead because then I have everything and can filter whatever I want.



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