Provenance Graph management

Hello :qiime2: team,

I'm running into a new and interesting provenance problem. I have a command that directly combines the artifacts of 18 different inputs, each with several upstream artifacts. It would be really nice if I could (a) zoom in and out on the overall provenance graph to be able to see it better, and (b) be able to sort by the tree nodes so that children appeared under parent commands as much as possible.

As a like super shiny extra bonus, it would be extra awesome if there was a way to generate the provinance file as some kind of svg that could be passed into a graphics editor for clean up.




Thanks for the suggestions, @jwdebelius!

  • We have an open issue for zoom. If there are specific behaviors or characteristics you think would be useful, feel free to comment there. In the meantime, browser zoom can help a bit. (Ctrl/Cmd with +, -, or the scroll wheel on your mouse).
  • I put together a new issue for image export. Great idea!
  • Not really sure what you mean by “sort by the tree nodes”, but this may be a particularly knotty problem to solve. @ebolyen has put some time into thinking about this, and this issue suggests a few possible paths for improvement. LMK if I’m misunderstanding you!

PR’s are welcome if anyone out there has an itch to make some nice things for q2view!

Chris :poodle:


Hi @ChrisKeefe,

I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with the zoom issue!

For “sort by nodes”, I have a graph where I perform a set of regional actions (trim primers, denoise, etc). I’d like for the graph to display those actions together for that a given column in the graph belongs to the same region (closer to what Marcus had in his first example in the PR). It’s somewhat more complicated in my case because I have things that come from multiple places, but having the per group directionality would make it easier to track!

Maybe I’ll try to tackle other issues; javascript is basically magic to me :woman_mage:.



One thing that might be helpful for creating a fancy SVG export is the qax tool – it looks like it can generate some really nice images of a provenance graph in the Graphviz output format (docs on this; recent paper link describing the tool). :large_blue_circle: :arrow_right: :red_circle: