Problems with the denoising step

Hi guys,
I have some doubts about the denoising step of the sequences. I've done all the quality assessment and primer removal, but when I perform the denoising, the percentage of input merged is quite low (<50%). I ran it with different truncation values based on the quality of the bases, and finally, I tried it with truncation values equal to 0, and even then the results were not good. Could someone explain why the percentage of input merged is low? Below is an example of the “stats.tsv” table generated from the denoising files:

sample-id input filtered percentage of input passed filter denoised merged percentage of input merged non-chimeric percentage of input
SRR21848608 27085 15771 58.23 13276 8359 30.86 5870 21.67
SRR21848609 32438 18318 56.47 15798 10148 31.28 5623 17.33
SRR21848610 32719 19135 58.48 16859 11046 33.76 5181 15.83
SRR21848611 28798 17303 60.08 15328 10656 37.00 5067 17.59

I'd be grateful if anyone could help with this question.

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Hello @Jessica_Bianca_da_Si,

How well merging performs can depend on several factors, the most important of which is usually ensuring that your reads have enough overlap at the merging site. Make sure that your amplicon length and paired read lengths (after truncating) allow at least 12bp of overlap.

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