Hi @cjone228,
The workflow you've described looks okay to me at first glance... I have not worked with ion torrent data or this kit, but based on my understanding this all seems fine.
I don't think I can add anything to what has already been discussed in several topics on the forum — e.g., the one you linked to above. Not having the primers complicates this. This makes q2-quality-control the best approach for separating... you would need to create reference sequences trimmed to the variable regions you know you have (even if you don't have the exact primers) and try to grab out reads that are close enough matches (be lenient with the perc-identity and coverage parameters)
I clarified at the bottom of that post:
I think you maybe need to know your primers for SMURF??? @jwdebelius may provide better advice regarding SMURF.
Good luck!