We need your help! In an effort to best serve the QIIME 2 community, we are looking for feedback from users (and potential users) of QIIME 2 about what format their amplicon sequencing data is in when they are ready to import it into QIIME 2.
We put together some possible options:
When I work with single-end read data, I receive fastq data that is...
- Already demultiplexed, one
) file per sample - Still multiplexed, EMP protocol format (i.e., there is one sequence read file and one barcode read file)
- Still multiplexed, barcodes are in the sequence reads
- Still multiplexed, dual barcodes are in the sequence reads
- Still multiplexed, 3-file Illumina format (one sequence reads file, an index 1 reads file, and an index 2 reads file)
- Still multiplexed, barcodes in sequence read header lines
- Something else (feel free to post a description in a reply to this post)
When I work with paired-end read data, I receive fastq data that is...
- Already demultiplexed, one forward read and one reverse read
) file per sample - Still multiplexed, EMP protocol format (i.e., there are forward and reverse sequence read files and one barcode read file)
- Still multiplexed, barcodes are in the sequence reads
- Still multiplexed, dual barcodes are in the sequence reads
- Still multiplexed, 4-file Illumina format (one forward reads file, one reverse reads file, an index 1 reads file, and an index 2 reads file)
- Still multiplexed, barcodes in sequence read header lines
- Something else (feel free to post a description in a reply to this post)
I have the following types of artifacts in my sequences that need to be removed...
- Barcodes
- Primers or other parts of the sequencing construct
- Heterogeneity spacers
- Something else (feel free to post a description in a reply to this post)
Thanks for taking the time to help us out, and happy QIIMEing!