PICRUSt and Qiime2

I am trying to make a .biom file suitable for use in PICRUSt; however, I can not find reference sequences (would be apart of the –i-reference-sequences command in the qiime vsearch cluster-features-closed-reference plugin). PICRUSt is trained on gg_13_5 and I can find a file called gg_13_5_otus.tar.qz but cannot find or figure how to convert that file to gg_13_5_otus.qza. If could you give me some direction, that would be very helpful.

To clarify, I have been able to find the commands/workflow needed to generate the correct files for PICRUSt using Qiime1. But I have not been able to find the commands/workflow needed to generate the correct files for PICRUSt using Qiime2.

Hey there @ellen!

There are a handful of topics that cover this on the forum already, have you had a chance to look at them? In particular, the summary listed here. The short guide provides a good high-level overview of the steps necessary to prepare data in QIIME 2 for analysis in picrust - let us know how it goes! :qiime2:

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