I am new to bioinformatics and qiime2. For my research project I am doing a microbiome analysis in chickens. We want to send our samples to a sequencing company that uses novaseq6000. Although I have just learned how to import data into qiime2 (using the tutorials), I read the forum about complications of using novaseq data with qiime2 (Consequences of using dada2 on NovaSeq data · Issue #791 · benjjneb/dada2 · GitHub).
I know my data will be delivered in FASTQ format, but I assume I will thus also get this problem when trying to perform the quality analysis.
Can anyone inform me how to import the NovaSeq data into QIIME2 so that I can perform a quality control before studying the microbiota composition?
Thanks for reaching out! Happy to provide some suggestions below:
As discussed in this forum post, you have a few options here:
Use the dada2 R package with modifications as described by the Github link you shared above.
Use the dada2 R package or q2-dada2 as it is, since there are several reports without any significant variations between using Dada2 as it is (R or Qiime2) and the modified version.
Use Deblur which is not affected by changes in quality score binning.
Hopefully one of these options is a good solution for you!