modeling bacterial features as indepedent variables

A follow-up question regarding your suggested methods: As microbiome data is complicated enough, longitudinal analysis make metters worth :slight_smile:

You proposed the rational solution of CLR transformation. How would you approach this if, for example, each participant has two samples (time 1 and time 2) and you would like to model the change for each feature as the independent variable in the regression? One solution that might seem possible is a simple subtraction of CLR values (CLR time 2 - CLR time 1) for each feature and each participant. Another possible solution might be Ln(relative abundance time 2 / relative abundance time 1), but this obviously does not account for compositionality. I'm interested in how you would approach this.

Longitudinal analysis also poses difficulties when using classifieirs. Even the (liberal?) methods I have proposed in the previous section may not work here, as suggested in this post Could q2-sample-classifier take relative abundance or CLR transformed abundance as input? - #2 by Nicholas_Bokulich @Nicholas_Bokulich . Is there a way to account for longitudinal changes per feature while using classifiers?

Thanks and happy to continue this discussion.