I completed two separate runs on an Illumina MiSeq for the same set of samples and I am now trying to merge the feature tables for those runs. The first run had great quality but low sequence counts while the second run had lower quality with high sequence counts so I am trying to get the greatest amount of data I can from them both for further analysis.
I completed the dada2 denoise step for each set of sequencing files separately using the same parameters and just tried to merge the resulting feature tables. I got this error...
(qiime2-2017.11) qiime2@qiime2core2017-11:~$ qiime feature-table merge --i-table1 frog1forward/table-frog1forward.qza --i-table2 frog2forward/table-frog2forward.qza --o-merged-table merged-table-frogforward
Plugin error from feature-table:
Some samples are present in both tables: H2O1, N3PH2O2, AFVN1, AMC, N3FH2O3, AMCN4, N1in3, N4WTad3, N3WTad3, N1H2O3, N3FH2O1, N1H2OFTads, N4leaf3, N1WTad1, N3in3, N3leaf2, AMDN3, N3out1, AMDN4, N3FTad2, AMVN1, H2ON3, AMDN1, N1H2O1, H2O3, N4in2, N4out2, N3in1, AFCN4, N4WTad2, N1FTad2, AFDN1, N1H2O2, N4PH2O2, AFCN2, N1leaf2, H2OcontrolN4, N4in1, AMVN4, H2Ocontrol3, N3out2, C2H2O, N1WTad2, N3out3, N4FH2O2, AMD, N1PH2O1, N3in2, N1FTad3, N3WTad1, N1WTad3, N3WTad2, N4FTad2, AFDN3, N4out3, N4PH2O3, H2Ocontrol1, N4WTad1, AFVN3, N4leaf1, N22, N1leaf1, N21, N1PH2O3, N1PH2O2, N1in1, H2O2, N1out1, N4PH2O1, N1out2, AMCN3, AFDN4, N4leaf2, H2Ocontrol2, N4FH2O1, N3PH2O3, N3FTad1, N23, N1in2, N3FTad3, N4out1, N3PH2O1, AMVN3, AFCN3, AMCN1, N4in3, N1out3, AFDN2, N1FTad1, AFCN1, AFVN4, N4FTad1, N4FTad3, N3leaf3, N1leaf3, N3FH2O2, SterileSwab, N3leaf1, N4FH2O3, AFVN2, AMV
Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-eijawch_.log
Do I need to change the file names for each sample to represent which run it was associated with (e.g., N4WTad1-1, N4WTad1-2)? Why would sample ID's be an issue with trying to merge different runs of the same samples?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
Sarah McGrath