Low sequence numbers after merging using DADA2 but reads are long enough

Hi @kfri,
I am not sure what is going wrong — with everything you describe it sounds like you should get sufficient overlap but you are still losing ~50% of your reads at merging. My guess is that there is more variation in the amplicon length than you may expect — I do not know enough about that primer pair, but you could use extract-reads to estimate amplicon size as described here:

But that does not explain why usearch merge_pairs is giving you better merging; I suspect it could be because dada2 is trimming just a little bit prior to the merge, enough to miss the mark for half your sequences. You could use qiime vsearch join-pairs to join the reads first, then use q2-deblur for denoising. join-pairs would be similar to usearch fastq_mergepairs so we should see similar results — maybe give that a try and see if you still see sufficient merging?